Sunday 15 January 2006

U & I

Sun, 15 Jan 2006
So, I have been enquiring into: me being someone who writes instead of speaks....
And I really see it EVERYWHERE in my life. Interesting, sad and upsetting!
So I WROTE about it: (it's still in draft form!)
U & I

I cannot face yoU
So I WRITE you

I cannot speak to you
So I really listen well

I cannot open my mouth
So I encourage you to sing your song

I cannot touch you
(So I let you touch me)
So I just look from the outside

I cannot get/come close to you
(cos then you'll see! / I'll be found out!)
So I am always far enough to JUST be close enough!

I cannot be with you
So I draw you
write you down
So I remove you from me in my drawing of you

I cannot love you
So I pretend to like you!

I cannot hide you
So I (pretend) that I am proud of you
So I show you off! (pretend to be confident)

I cannot have you
So I throw you away (constantly)

I cannot be you
I am not you
(I do not want to be you)
I am you
I am not
I am

I just wanted to share that... for no reason I can think of or any reason that you prefer!