Wednesday, 1 October 2003

Clapham Junction of iewers op 'n London Stasie

Dreunend oor die platform
kom jou voete verby gestorm

om my toe te laat om die
deur oop te maak
sodat jy die eerste gaping
in, kan skaak

Jou boudbene geslyp
om die beste sitplek te

Ten spyte van oupa of ouma
se bene
of babakies wat nog nie
eers gespene

Dan snork jy nog ook -
die stilte weg
Terwyl jou ore se geraas
almal se rit versleg

met die afklim
verdwyn jy
soos 'n skim

Friday, 3 January 2003

You are so beautiful to me

You are so beautiful to me

you are as beautiful as

the morningdew dripping from the trees

as the first rays of the sun over the mountaintops

as the whitest cloud in the bluest sky

you are as beautiful as

the ocean on a calm day

when one can see the reflection of nature’s perfection